Last time you all have heard from me I was in Indiana. My newsletter was on 2 Chronicles 15:7-8 and how that verse just re-sparked my passion to finish out gathering a team of partners so I can return to spreading the Gospel to those who have never heard it. I have since flown to Oregon. I was given an opportunity to briefly speak at a youth group, which I have attached an audio recording to the bottom of this page. I will keep this newsletter short, so you guys can have time to listen to the recording. In the future I will be recording as many of my preaching opportunities as possible and putting them on here. For future reference, on the menu above of this newsletter where it says "BLOG" if you hover your mouse over that there should be a drop-down menu that says "AUDIO." Click on that and it will take you to where I archive my sermons. There is only one there now, but just so you guys know.
I have also attached a link, which will redirect you to a prayer form, that I have put together. I pray for you guys, but I don't always know what to pray. The catch is that, I will pray for these prayer requests for three months, because we pray with expectancy and I expect these prayers to be answered in three months or less. In three months, in October, I will put together another form asking for the testimonies of these prayers being answered, so I can rejoice and you can too.