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...God is BIG...

The month of July was quite an awesome month. I had many opportunities to share my ministry. I spoke at two churches and a youth group. I spoke at the youth group early in the month. I use to attend this youth group years ago. Me and the youth pastor were going to work out a date of when I could speak at the youth group, but we had not figured out when. At the beginning of the youth group the youth pastor learned that everyone was going to be gone for the next few weeks at summer camps, so the pastor looked at me and told me that I could take this time. He gave me the whole time! I took it with joy. I finished after about a half-hour and him and I were speaking to each other. I also wanted to speak at his church, which I also use to attend years ago, so we decided I would speak that Sunday. I was given the whole service and was able to show pictures. That was exciting. That was the first time I got an entire church service. I do have a recording of this at the bottom, but it may be hard to follow, since I was showing pictures. There is a Q&A for about the last fifteen minutes. I answered questions about finances, culture, on the field experience, and other subjects. Please enjoy!

The second church, was a surprise. A lady I know who has known me ever since I was a wee little pumpkin in diapers. She called me and told me that she had been talking to her pastor about me speaking at the church. He told her that he would give me a few minutes. I had never met this pastor nor been to his church, but I took the opportunity anyways. I spoke for a few minutes. Unfortunately, the recording I got was short and missed a large portion of what I said, so I won’t be putting that on here, unless I miraculously come across a full version. I do have the full recordings of the first church and youth group, which will be posted below and can be found in my audio archives.

I am still working on reaching my monthly support goal. I should be at almost 40%. Pray that God will continue to provide and prepare me for whatever is to come. Ask that he will open doors and make my path clear. I want to reach my goal and I am expecting an explosion, I don’t know when and I don’t know where, but I am expecting God to give me an unbelievable increase. This provision is for those unreached and I will do whatever it takes to bring the Gospel of Christ to places unheard of because they too need to hear the Gospel.

There is a topic I want to address. God is big, He is an extreme God. A God so big that he can measure the waters of the earth in His hand. He weighs the mountains in a set of scales. The God that knows the names of all the stars. The God that orchestrates the movements of the heavenly bodies to exemplify his glory, to show us signs in the heavens. He is the God that sees the world’s political super powers as a drop in a bucket. The God that needs no teacher, nor can be taught, for He knows all things. He is the one that lives and always lives and has never not lived, nor ever not been, but always is. I am trying to make a point… God is incomprehensibly big. He is the one that rips open the bottom of an ocean to flood the world. He is the one that speaks and the universe exists. The essence of life He carries in his breath. His hands mold the fabric of humanity. The God that can bend time itself to do His will… Yet in all of this, He chooses you. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He still keeps track even after a glob of your hair goes down the shower drain. He is the one that formed you while you were the womb. The one that if you could count the precious thoughts He has had towards you it would number as more than the sands of the sea. The God that has chosen to know you personally. The God that chose to make a way for you to spend an eternity with Him. To sit at His right hand in Heaven. The God so big that made his home by your spirit. There is no such thing as being a child of God and being distant from God. His Spirit lives in you. His Spirit is joined with yours. I am saying that no matter how big and how distant God may seem, He is not far. You His son, His daughter are right there next to him, and He is next to you. You can’t get away and He won’t leave, nor forsake you. He chose to be your dad. No good dad will be far away or distant from their children unless they are a terrible dad. He is a good dad, your dad, your close dad. The original dad. You sons and you daughters are already close to God. You can’t get any closer. He has joined His Spirit with yours, the fullness of God is in you, and Jesus lives in your heart, there is no distance there when the fullness of the triune Godhead makes his abode in you.

That’s what I wanted to say. You will see below I have two recordings. One is the youth group I spoke at and the other is the church. The one labeled YG means ‘youth group.’

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