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The God Incomprehensible

August was a month of insight. I was really pressing into God a lot meditating on what was done on the cross for me... for us as a spiritual family. It is so huge! I am trying to comprehend it, but there are no human terms or anything that I can truly put into perspective how big it is. Once one thinks they have grasped how grand it all is, one hasn’t grasped it at all! How does one really comprehend God and His plans? What Jesus did on the cross is so big!

I have been reading through the Old Testament and I noticed a pattern. Many of the Old Testament figures had this zeal and excitement for God. Many times today we see the God of the Old Testament as wrathful and angry, but that isn’t how He was perceived as back then. God was still the merciful, kind, and loving God as much then as He is today. I like to use the example of King David. There is a story of when he is taking the Ark of the Covenant back to his city. He is so grateful and amazed that this box carries the presence of God. When David had tried to take the Ark to a different location, Uzza had touched it as it began to tip over, and he died. After that David feared God and didn’t want the Ark anywhere near him, but he discovered that the city the Ark was left in prospered. That was when David understood the power of the presence of God, so on the way back to his kingdom every four steps; as I recall, he performed a sacrifice. He would build an altar, slaughter the animal and make a sacrifice. David wanted to present himself as pure and holy before the presence of God. He figured out that sin was not simply something bad, or a little uh-oh; sin was something that ruined relationship with God-- something that tore one from the presence of God. The one act of disobedience from Adam tore us from our God. God hated that and wanted us back. His heart ached for us, so that is why he paved the way for us to return back to Him. David knew how awesome that was. David wanted to be in God’s presence. This was the presence that made the city prosper but what also killed Uzza. The presence of God is also what delivered David from Goliath, and from every battle David had been in or would be in. David understood how awesome it was that God had made a way of redemption, so that he could experience God’s presence. That God loved sinful mankind to make a way of reconciliation back to Him! David realized how terrible sin was, but he also knew how much greater God is. He couldn’t help but rejoice and dance; because God, who is so infinitely bigger, loved him.

Sin is not simply a bad thing, but it is the wretched nature that rips you from experiencing God’s presence. God sent Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice so that our relationship would be certain with God. No longer does man have to go through painstaking rituals just to walk into the Holy of Holies. Now when we are made righteous by Christ Jesus, the Spirit of the Living God can live in us. We are in a state or condition of pureness and cleanliness. Our relationship with God has been sealed by His Spirit joining with ours (Romans 8:16). We are in a perpetual state of living in God’s presence. Simply walk in that.

When you walk with surety in your salvation and your position in right standing with God, you can enter boldly into his presence (1 John 4:17). Your spirit is right next to His. Now with confidence you know you can reflect the image of Jesus because you have been made like Him by Him. You are no longer a child of the flesh, but rather a child of the Most High God. If I could comprehend this to it’s fullest, I would probably be on my face all day long in absolute reverence and amazement. I believe in heaven we will be able to comprehend this to its fullest and that is why we will throw our crowns to Him and bow and sing!

There is only one revelation, that is the revelation that Jesus died on the cross and rose again after three days for the remission of sins. This one revelation means more than we can even begin to comprehend.

I was originally going to do my newsletter on how you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, but evidently God had something else in mind.

I am still working on raising my monthly support. If you guys could just continue praying for success in that area, I would appreciate it. To get out there back to where the Gospel has never been, is so strongly burning in my heart. I just feel the passion wanting to boil out. I want to spread this tremendous revelation to those who have never heard it once.

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