September was a good month in that I was able to be a part of street evangelism; and to have really been able to speak into some people’s lives. I also have a speaking engagement coming up, which is exciting! I am super determined to be fully-funded before this year ends... literally, all I need are ten more partners with my ministry to give at $100 a month and I would be fully-funded to minister overseas. This feels very close to happening and I am super excited!One person every week at $100 a month for the next ten weeks and I would be at my goal. It can appear at times to be beyond reach; but, logically, it can easily be done. Friends, pray with me that my goal will be reached before the end of this year. I know many of you pray for me to exceed my goal, which I am also believing for because I know it is very much possible. If God puts it on your heart to increase your giving, let me know, and I can get everything situated so that Overland is able to update their system. Also, if you know anybody you think would be the least bit interested in partnering with me, let me know because I would absolutely love to talk with them. It is such a joy having people a part of my team going forward into the kingdoms of darkness to topple them down like Jericho. So awesome! Mobilizing the Kingdom of God to go forward and to bring the message of reconciliation is incredibly awesome. That message is the difference between heaven and hell. That is no small thing. It only makes sense to fight for such a thing especially when God partners with us in it. He has sent the Helper to guide us and lead us.
Although we are simply humans, who are we to be so loved by God and also to carry that message of love to others? I was mulling over this earlier and a revelation I got about this has really impacted me. Paul referred to himself as the chief of sinners. He said our righteousness is as filthy rags. David said, “I am no man, I am a worm.” The popular Christian song Amazing Grace goes as such, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me?” I noticed something. These people had an understanding of the horror of sin. Let us remember the beginning when Adam was told to not eat of the tree. What a simple thing. This seemingly harmless act. Being told not to eat a fruit is as simple as a white lie, but one single act
of disobedience is what created the divide between God and man. The second biggest divide in the history of eternity has always been the divide between God and man when that fruit was eaten. That division from God shows how wretched sin is. Who are we that we should indulge in it? We sometimes unintentionally encourage that divide between God and man to continue by ignoring the bridge put into place. God did something great and He created a bridge to close that gap which was the Gospel itself. He sent Jesus to take the punishment of sin... the eternal punishment of it. In His perfection, sin and its punishment could not keep Him from bridging the gap. In His glory He offered up the gift of salvation so that we could partake of His glory. Wait a second! Us humans who encourage the divide of God and man, and who are the
wretched and the ones with filthy righteousness, are given the chance to receive the gift of God’s glory?
Who are we? Let us remember, “for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” We, the harbingers of the second greatest divide ever in existence, have been given such a gift to rejoin God. The wickedness of sin has now been overcome. Such a small act of disobedience created something so huge, but God created something even bigger. One tiny act of disobedience created an abyss, a chasm uncrossable by any one; but, by one act of obedience, Christ crossed the chasm; and thereby, created the largest divide in history. The moment we received Christ into our lives as our Lord and Savior our sin was cast as far away as the east is from the west from us. He made all things righteous. The largest divide in history now is between you and your sin! Isn’t that amazing? How do we express that in words? Who am I that God should want me redeemed, the chief of sinners, yet my days were written down by Him as if I have always mattered to Him? Who am I that God should form me in the womb, yet I am worm? Who am I that God should think about me, but His precious thoughts about me outnumber all the grains of sand? God rewrote the reality of who we see we are. We are not our flesh, but the children of God sealed by His Holy Spirit. God parted me from my sin, creating the greatest divide in history. He created us as new, erasing our old life and making us new creations. Forgiveness is not simply telling someone that they are forgiven. The act of forgiving is forgiving that person and forgetting what they did wrong to you, erasing it from your memory and treating them as a new creation because now what they did wrong is no longer in your perception of that person. That is what God did for us. He forgave us, erased our past so He no longer sees our old selves apart from Him, but now we are as we were created to always be, to walk with Him, to speak with Him in the garden, to be seated at the right hand of God. How much greater is God’s mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love than sin?
Sometimes in this mortal body we forget who God has made us to be as the new creation. We don’t see glory, we don’t see anything good. Revelation 19:12-14, “His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him on white horses.” Here Jesus is returning in glory. Glory that has been given to us. This is the glory given to Jesus by the Father. We have that same glory. As it is written in the final prayer of Jesus in John 17:22, “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one.”
I will end it here, so as to not go too much longer, but I hope the revelation of how good God is has grown in you.