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I want to focus this newsletter towards a call to action. I say action, but sometimes our actions within the Kingdom of God are really just stepping back and letting God do the work. That is what I am striving to do... to let God do His work in me since He is the one that can truly make a difference; and can turn a heart from darkness to light.

I have put myself on a countdown to be fully-funded by the end of this year. I am speaking at a church November 18th and am working on getting another speaking engagement currently. Essentially, I need your prayers because it is powerful and a ministry will die without it. In Ephesians 6 we are told to be in all prayer and supplication for the saints. The church in which I will be speaking at has two services so I will have a brief window to speak in both services; then have a table set up to talk about Overland after each service. I ask that you pray that my goal will be completed after that church. I have access to lots of potential partners in ministry there and logically my goal could be completed. I am reminded of the story of Samson. Delilah repeatedly asks Samson where he gets his strength from, but he refuses to answer. He even lies to her, but the Bible says that she nagged him day after day until he was “sick to death” as the Bible puts it. Pray with me to God repeatedly that my goal will be reached! Let’s be a continual nagging before God so that He will accomplish His work in me.

I was thinking earlier of Isaiah 6 is when Isaiah discovers the call of God on his life. God poses a question, “‘Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?’ [Isaiah] said, ‘Here I am. Send me.’” There was a need and Isaiah responded. There were people who needed God, so God pointed to them and asked “Who will go?” Isaiah responded, “Here I am. Send me.” We are a part of that mission for the people who have a need. Jesus didn’t come for the healthy, but for the sick, so there is a need for a physician. Who will go and bring them the good news that there is a physician? When I was younger, God revealed to me the need for people to hear the Good News that there is a Physician. Sick people often die. I’m ready to go to those who have a need for the great Physician, and that needs to be backed by prayer. May we each be instilled within with a drive to reach the lost! There is such a great need to understand the necessity for prayer and this is why I am asking you all to pray for me. This is no small thing! When the unbelieving sick die they go to hell. Do we want that? No, we do not. Pray, so that the need will be fulfilled to reach them with salvation.

Corporate prayer is powerful! Prayer in agreement is powerful! I believe that my goal can be reached, but I need my partners to believe with me. There is no reason for it to be extended to next year. You all have been so faithful in giving and I am extremely grateful. I can see your faith. I believe it is in Zechariah where it tells us not to despise small beginnings. Mine seems to have started small, but because I know the Truth, I know God has unimaginable things in store for me and my ministry in Him. I am thankful for your support, kindness, and encouragement. Let us finish this year out with a bang!

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