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The God who Provides

November has been a pretty incredible month. I was able to speak at a church, and was given a window of time to speak in both services. My mom was able to make it for the second service, which was cool. I was glad she could make it.

Upon doing the math, I was able to discern that I have gained over ten percent of financial monthly support in this month alone! At this point, there is only between $600-$700 left to raise before I reach my goal of being fully-funded! Between existing partners increasing their support and new ones beginning support I have made significant progress to my goal.

The last time I made that much progress in a month was in my first month of Ministry of Partnership Development (MPD). I had a lot of people I could contact and lots of places to go explore partnership development. At some point I hit a wall where it felt like I had contacted everyone I could possibly contact. Now deep down I know this isn’t necessarily true but just felt like it was. Most of the people who go through the process of partnership development run into this – seemingly to run out of contacts. I began to search for people on my Facebook I hadn’t talked to in over a decade to see if they could catch the vision with me. I also began asking supporters if they knew anyone that could or would be interested in partnering with me. At this time I also began to cold call churches which sometimes can be a bit out of my comfort zone. I had to persevere. I had to push through these slow times. I had to push through those times of feeling impatient because progress wasn’t being made in order to fulfill this desire to preach the Gospel to the world.

Overland calls the fundraising process the Ministry of Partnership Development, but I think it could also be looked at as the Ministry of Perseverance Development. It could even be looked at as the Ministry of Patience Development, or perhaps the Ministry of Prayer Development. That is sure what it felt like to me at so many various times. If I could capture the entirety of my thought, emotions, and experiences of this process, it would fill a book. It has been a journey!

Although this has been difficult at times, I will finish what I began and persevere to what God has promised me. Just as Nehemiah was blessed when he asked the king for resources and provision to rebuild the wall, I expect the same. I am still shooting to be fully-funded before the end of this year. Once again, I want to thank all of you who do support me and are persevering with me and being patient along with me. Thank you for praying! I have two churches right now who may come on board with me. Pray that this may be so! With the holidays approaching things could go a bit slow, so I ask all of you who read this to pray that the holidays will not be a burden to anyone in this time of raising support.

I may not get a newsletter out in January. I will be pretty busy with a lot of traveling and of course, the holidays; but I still plan on doing support raising during this time. I need y’alls prayers! I thank you and Merry Christmas!!!

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