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The Ever-Envisioning God

I have returned safely back to the United States after an amazing expedition season! I hit the ground running as soon as I got back with renewing my passport and renewing my vehicle registration since it was two months expired. My insurance card was also expired. I am also working on getting a motorcycle endorsement so that it will make travelling in other countries a lot easier. And I have fully recovered from Dengue.

Putting together recruitment plans with another Overlander, I see it is going to be a busy time. Being able to bring individuals on these trips is so awesome. We always have such diverse groups of individuals on these trips. Many are on fire for God, passionate, well-versed

individuals; while others are really stepping out in faith because they feel like they have barely touched a Bible in their whole lives. Some people have just found healing from past trauma and others are still going through healing. They are all the cream of the crop because it is Jesus who

makes them qualified. We see all of them change. Often times they discover their call into missions or their perspective is radically shifted. Their confidence skyrockets. We see so many things happen with these individuals on these trips, it is an honor to be able to include them. Those in the expedition department of Overland do not just seek to lead a short-term missions trip, they seek to provide a life-changing experience to both the team members and villagers they encounter. They seek to see them become full-fledged ministers of the Gospel. God can work in anyone.

Of course, if you are interested in going on an expedition to an unreached people group to bring the Gospel with Overland Missions, feel absolutely free to contact me. I will walk you through all of the steps to getting signed up.

I am so excited to be able to do recruiting these next few months. This year, while overseas, my eyes opened up a lot more in terms of perspective. I had a lot of crazy things happen to me and saw a lot of crazy things; nevertheless, I am convinced there is no task greater than spreading the Gospel.

I have been appointed to speak at a series of Mission’s Nights in Canada at the latter end of October. I’m believing for many new recruits to come from Canada. It is Canada’s time to come on board for the Great Commission with Overland. I will need your prayer for 4 things! The first: that my passport comes back in time, because it is a six to eight week processing time and by the time I need to go to Canada, it is going to be right on the 6-7 week mark. The second thing: that I will be filled with the Spirit as I speak and that many people will be led to become a part of the mission of God from Canada. The 3rd, is that I find a convenient time and location to get my motorcycle endorsement. And lastly, prayer for safety on the road since I have been driving like crazy since I have returned stateside!

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. It is truly meaningful and precious to me. I hope to see as many of you as possible in my visits to your towns and states. Here are the next trips I will be leading: May 17, June 1, July 1, August 1. All are in 2020. In the meantime I am recruiting. I will probably leave April of next year and do a ton of retcons into the villages I will be leading trips into. It's going to be crazy! I am super excited

This lady's name was Sal Long. She was in her eighties, but had a long and wonderful conversation with her about Jesus. She had lots of questions and concerns, but finally she decided to follow Jesus. It was such a sweet moment seeing her make the declaration to follow Jesus. The devil was trying so hard to keep, but we broke past him. Charles Spurgeon has a quote, "If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.” We need to fight for every soul!

I wrote a paper on something that God taught me that has really effected me. It is in PDF format down below.

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